Introduction environmental regulation
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Types of companies
Companies are classified into 4 types in the Establishments and activities Decree BES (IAB BES). In the decree, companies are referred to as ‘establishments’.
Competent authority
The competent authority is the administrative body that receives notifications, processes permit applications and is responsible for supervision and enforcement.
Duty of care
Duty of care means that your company must not cause damage to the environment or prevent or limit it as much as possible.
The notification obligation applies to type 2 companies and aims to inform the Executive Council of the activity.
Customised rules
Customised rules are intended to sharpen the general binding rules or to adjust them at the same level. In this way, customisation can be given on the general binding rules.
Brief explanation of the environmental rules
The activities of companies can have an impact on the environment and the physical environment.
Establishments- and activities Decree BES
The environmental rules for companies are set out in the Establishments- and activities Decree BES (IAB BES).
For which activity general binding rules apply
For type 1 and type 2 companies, general binding rules apply. Depending on the type and size of the activity(ies), your business is either a type 1 or a type 2 company.